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Krishna Nupur Cultural Trust

Krishna Nupur (meaning the anklets of Lord Krishna) Cultural Trust was established by me in 1995 and registered in 1996 to enable myself to carry out art activities particularly for children.

We began with Painting contests and culutral events and competitions which included singing, dance, mini-theatre and crafts. In due course we have moved on to conducting workshops in art for children mostly from surrounding schools and providing free art materials to talented children.

Bringing in prominent persons from various fields of specialisation to interact with the children during the workshops have helped the children to gain better insight into various techniques, manners and styles encouraging them to express themselves best in their favourite mediums or ways.

Our aim is to help inspire children to be creative and achieve excellence in all round perfomance through the benefits of art and aesthetics.

We welcome suggestions and offers to use suitable space within the city for conducting workshops on art for children. Krishna Nupur is also working on bringing out art and activity books for children shortly.

As an individual I continue to give free classes whenever need arises to underprevileged or special children in their residential schools or children's homes. Presently, once a week,I am teaching art to an enthusiastic group of 15 Polio affected children aged 8 to 15 at an orthopaedic school in Chennai. We have a great time together.

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